- +45 33 34 80 30
- +45 53 71 80 30
- nic@nclaw.dk
- Industrial injury
- General liability and product liability
- Change-of-ownership insurance
- International law
- Motor liability
- Public liability
- Legal aid
- Patient injury
- Personal insurance
- Litigation and arbitration
- Professional liability
- Cases before appeals boards
- Cases about accidents
- Loss of working capacity cover
- Insurance fraud
- Criminal cases relating to the Danish Working Environment Act
Nicolai’s clients include GF Forsikring, Topdanmark Forsikring, Codan Forsikring, Gjensidige Forsikring, Tryg Forsikring, Alka Forsikring, AIG Europe, Popermo Forsikring, Sønderjysk Forsikring, NEM Forsikring, AP Pension, DFIM, FAH og FUH, Blue Water Shipping, municipalities and regions.
Cases include U.2019.2696Ø on choice of law, U.2019.930H on apportionment of fault between a number of vehicles involved, U.2018.1831H on the extent of the term road accident, U.2018.1831Ø on section 5 of the Danish Act on Workers' Compensation, U.2018.348V on subrogation for sickness benefits, U.2017.582H on rehabilitation and the period of lost earnings, U.2017.323H on the statement of a decedent estate and the value of two properties in France, FED2015.133V on the apportionment of fault, see section 25 of the Danish Liability and Compensation Act, U.2014.3729H on time-barring, and U.2014.1346H on auditor's liability.
Nicolai was previously associated with the University of Copenhagen as an external lecturer on advanced law of damages. He has taught regularly at the Danish Insurance Academy for many years as well as on miscellaneous courses at JUC. He teaches ad hoc at attorneys' associations, clients and businesses.
In addition, Nicolai is member of the Danish Association for Insurance Law (AIDA), PEOPIL, Faggruppen for Erstatnings- og Forsikringsret (specialist group for insurance and tort law), and the Danish Supreme Court Bar Association. Nicolai is also the co-author of Personskadehåndbogen (personal injury) III, together with Christina Neugebauer.
12 November 1974
Master of Laws (cand.jur.) University of Copenhagen 2003
Certified mediator – The Association of Danish Law Firms 2017
Professional experience:
Trained under the attorneys Christina Neugebauer and Morten Samuelsson, 2003-2006
Attorney at Kromann Reumert, 2006-2010 ff.
Self-employed attorney since 2019
Equity partner at Samuelsson Neugebauer & Partnere II, 2011-2014
Equity partner at CNP Advokater (and thus at the shared offices of JENSEN NEUGEBAUER), 2014 ff.
Equity partner at Neugebauer Clan, 2020
Admission and right of audience:
Attorney 2006
Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 2012
The Danish Association for Insurance Law (AIDA)
Faggruppen for Erstatnings- og Forsikringsret (specialist group for insurance and tort law)
The Danish Supreme Court Bar Association
Foreningen Danske Risikorådgivere (association of Danish risk advisers)
Lectures, writing activities and teaching:
Co-author of Personskadehåndbogen III (personal injury III)
External lecturer at the Danish Insurance Academy in basic law of damage and personal injury law
Various ongoing lecture activities
Co-editor of FED (law reports in the fields of insurance law and tort law)
External lecturer at the University of Copenhagen on specialised law of damages
Scandinavian languages and English